Saturday, February 20, 2010

CPAC Controversy

Yesterday at the Conservative Political Action Committee, controversy ensued after a series of speeches over the issue of civil rights. Students for Liberty's Alexander McCobin took a stand against the traditional conservative opinion that gay couples are outside the bounds of the law. This year, CPAC invited GOProud, a pro-gay rights organization, to speak and offer their perspective on the place of gay rights in the conservative movement.

Student's for Liberty is a nonprofit organization aimed at promoting the fundamental qualities of libertarianism. They endorse limited government, free and open markets, and individual liberties. Alexander McCobin took the podium by first praising CPAC for inviting GOProud to the event. He began by pronouncing that those who believe in freedom believe it freedom unconditionally and in the full context of the word. Many attendees booed him initially, but cheers accompanied soon after.

Next to the stand was Ryan Sorba, from California Young Americans for Freedom. He angrily responded to GOProud's presence at the event, even shouting at the booing audience that "the lesbians at Smith College riot better than you!"

Take a look at these videos for yourself:

Classic liberals alike need to come together, not disband even further. McCobin has it precisely right when he says that freedom is a collective concept - you cannot pick and choose which freedoms to support or endorse. The sentiment of returning to the conservative values of the old Republican party encompasses not only economic freedoms, but also personal freedoms - and these absolutely must include the ability to marry whosoever you desire.

A strong effort by the likes of CPAC, unfortunately interrupted by the backwards thinking prescribers of neoconservatism.

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